The Politics of Playdates
Do not ever
initiate the play date because then you will feel obligated to have the
play date at your house. The mom will drop her kid off and go shopping.
Now you are stuck with both kids for the afternoon. You are basically
free childcare. I can't believe it has taken me three kids to figure
this out.
With the new kid at Isaac's school, however, I
managed to get the play date at the other kid's house. Not only that, I
asked the other kid's dad to pick them both up at school. Now I have
the whole afternoon free. I do feel a little guilty about taking
advantage of this first-timer though. And also I have never actually
met the kid, nor do I have any idea who his parents are. Mostly, I am
just worried they think I am that kind of mom, which of course I am.
I'll offer to take the kids next time.
Related: Moms Who Don't Fit the Profile (funny)
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ReplyDeleteAndres Roemer